10 Things RVers Should Know About RV Sewer Hose Supports


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RV sewer hose supports fall into the category of camping accessories that you don’t really need necessarily, but after a trip or two, you might find that you want one. These nifty pieces of camping gear are more useful than you might imagine, and once you invest in an RV sewer hose support, you aren’t likely to go back.

What is an RV Sewer Hose Support?

Not sure what an RV sewer hose support even is? Basically, this is a set of stilts that hold your RV sewer hose up off the ground. They also place the hose at a slight angle, helping water drain through the hose and into the in-ground sewer hookup. Most of these supports can be adjusted to suit the amount of space between your rig and the sewer connection point.

Why You Want RV Sewer Hose Supports

Wondering why you might want to start shopping for an RV sewer hose support? Here are four reasons to consider buying one to add to your collection of camping gear.

Helps Your Tanks Drain More Effectively

One of the most obvious benefits of an RV sewer hose support is that it can help ensure your RV tanks drain properly. This is especially helpful if you find yourself parked very close to the sewer hookup point, as it prevents a coiled hose that water might have trouble getting through.

It can also be helpful if the sewer connection sticks up out of the ground. This is because the support can create a gentle angle that sends water directly into the raised dump point, keeping it from sagging to the ground before reaching the top of the pipe.

Prevents Buildup in Your Sewer Hose

Generally speaking, your tanks will drain eventually, even without the ramp provided by an RV sewer hose support. That said, you will almost certainly end up with water sitting in the hose if the hose is not angled to keep it moving. This is gross because it allows debris in the water to stick to the sides of the hose, leaving you with a stinky build up inside your sewer hose that can be hard to wash out.

Removes a Potential Tripping Hazard

An excessively long sewer hose that isn’t held up off the ground is a tripping hazard. Not only that, but if someone does happen to trip over your sewer hose and pull it out of place, the result could potentially be a disgusting mess. RV sewer hose supports remove this possibility by making the hose much more visible.

Some Campgrounds Require Them

Lastly, we have to point out that some campgrounds actually require campers to use RV sewer hose supports. In some cases this is a city-wide law; in other cases it is simply campground policy.

Either way, you will need to abide by the rule if you come across a campground that has it in place. Why not just buy the support ramp now to save yourself from needing to find one in a hurry down the line?

What to Look For in an RV Sewer Hose Support

Okay, so clearly you’re going to want to invest in an RV sewer hose support. But what are you looking for as you shop for this camping accessory?

Here’s what we’d look out for:

  • Length — You want to ensure you buy a support that is long enough to stretch the entire length of your sewer hose plus any add-on pieces you might end up using. Keep in mind, it is possible to push the support pieces closer together to create a shorter ramp.
  • Weight — As with all RV accessories, it is a good idea to choose an RV sewer hose support that is relatively lightweight. After all, you don’t want to add to the overall weight of your loaded RV too much.
  • Portability — Some RV sewer hose support ramps fold together like a slinky and come with a handle to both hold them closed and make carrying easy. Others nest together for easy storage. Whatever you buy, make sure it’s easy to carry and easy to store in an RV storage bay.
  • Durability — Of course, you’ll also want to make sure whatever you buy is durable. Read reviews to make sure you aren’t purchasing a product that will break easily.

So, there you have it! While you might not think you need an RV sewer hose support, once you try one, you’ll wonder how you ever camped without it. These handy gadgets are more than just a luxury – they can make your RVing experience much smoother and more pleasant. Trust me, once you start using an RV sewer hose support, you’ll never look back!

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About the author: Chelsea Gonzales

Chelsea has the amazing opportunity to take part in full-time RV living and traveling with her tiny tribe. She homeschools her five-year-old son as they travel, and takes full advantage of their unique situation by using the entire world as her son’s classroom. A group of total Disney fanatics, Chelsea and her family often find themselves in the Orlando area in order to visit the Disney parks, but they have also visited over 25 of the 50 states with plans to see many more along the way. No matter where her travels take her, Chelsea enjoys riding bikes, gazing at beautiful sunsets, finding new coffee shops, Irish dancing, and sitting around a campfire with her family.

You can join her adventures through her blog, Wonder Wherever We Wander.

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