

Building The Best Roadside Emergency Kit

Do you want to make sure that you’re prepared for just about anything that can happen while you’re out on the road? If so, then you should have a roadside emergency kit that, at minimum, contains the following important tools.

1. Three Reflective Triangles
That’s right, three of ’em. One is usually enough for a low-speed road, but if you have an emergency on the freeway or a similar high-speed route, then you should space three reflective triangles about fifty feet apart. This will help give other drivers time to react (especially if you’re in an awkward area, like just around a bend), and it’s better to have too many of these than too few.

2. First Aid Kit
This is a given for any sort of emergency kit, but it never hurts to have a reminder. The emergency kit should be able to treat moderate injuries – however, the presence of a first aid kit is no substitute for good sense. If you’re in a collision and somebody is seriously hurt, then call 911 before you start using the kit and follow their directions while waiting for paramedics to arrive.

3. Jumper Cables
Dead batteries are one of the most common problems that vehicles experience, and any emergency kit placed into a vehicle should have these. Remember that the cables should be long enough to connect vehicles parked in adjacent stalls in a parking lot – ten feet is good, fifteen feet is better (if you can find cables that long). But, if you find yourself without them, Coach-Net’s membership plans include a variety of emergency roadside services.

4. Waterproof Flashlight
Unfortunately, not every problem occurs at high noon with all the visibility you could possibly want, or in weather that’s suited to vehicle maintenance. As such, you should be sure to include a durable flashlight within your emergency kit, and check it every month or two to be sure it still works.

5. Extra Batteries
Not only may it take time to resolve an emergency along the side of the road, it may have been a while since you last used your flashlight. No telling if those batteries will work when you need them. Having extra batteries as a back up will ensure that you have all the light you need.

6. Rubber Gloves
There are some chemicals and parts of a vehicle that you may not want to touch with your bare hands. A pair of sturdy work gloves will make sure you can do any work you need to without exposing yourself to some of the major hazards associated with working on a vehicle – especially if your car’s been damaged.

7. A Rain Poncho
Or an Umbrella. The important thing is to have something that will keep the weather off of you while you’re working. It wouldn’t hurt to have a blanket during the winter, either, since you may not be able to rely on your car’s vehicle’s heater.

8. A Deck of Playing Cards
Boredom is a major issue if you find you have to wait for help to arrive, and something as simple as a basic deck of cards can help to pass the time. Never underestimate the value of improvised entertainment. Of course, with a Coach-Net plan, you’ll be back on the road in no time!

While the above are the most important tools for any kit, they’re certainly not the only things you can add!  Remember, with a Coach-Net membership, you can call for roadside assistance 24/7 and help can be just a screen tap away using the Coach-Net mobile app.

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